How do I align the print head?

  • You can align the print head using the Print Quality Adjustment option on the printer's control panel. See below.

    Adjusting Print Quality Using the Product Control Panel

    If your printouts become grainy or blurry, you notice misalignment of vertical lines, or you see dark or light horizontal bands, you may need to adjust print quality using the product control panel.
    1. Make sure roll paper or cut sheet paper is loaded in the printer. You need at least this much paper to print the adjustment pattern:
      • Roll paper: 16.5 inches (420 mm)
      • Auto sheet feeder: 2 sheets of paper sized A3 (11.7 × 16.5 inches [297 × 420 mm]) or A4 (8.3 × 11.7 inches [210 × 297 mm])
      • Cut sheet feeder: 1 sheet of paper sized A2 (16.5 × 23.4 inches [420 × 594 mm]) or larger, or 2 sheets of paper smaller than A2 (16.5 × 23.4 inches [420 × 594 mm]), loaded one at a time
    2. Press the  home button, if necessary.
    3. Make sure the correct paper type is selected on the product control panel.
    4. Select Settings > Maintenance > Print Quality Adjustment. You see a screen like this:
    5. If you want to change the paper source that the adjustment pattern prints on, select Paper Source. Otherwise, select Start to print the adjustment pattern. The first set of adjustment patterns prints.

      Note: If you are printing on cut sheets in A2 (16.5 × 23.4 inches [420 × 594 mm]) size or larger, or on roll paper with Auto Cut turned off, do not remove or pull out the paper until the second set of alignment patterns prints.

    6. Follow the instructions on the LCD screen to select the best patterns for the first set of adjustment patterns, and select OK. The second set of adjustment patterns prints.

      Note: If you are printing on cut sheets smaller than A2 (16.5 × 23.4 inches [420 × 594 mm]) size, load the second sheet of paper.

    7. Follow the instructions on the LCD screen to select the best patterns for the second set of adjustment patterns, and select OK. The screen displays a confirmation message and returns to the home screen.
    Related tasks
    Creating Custom Paper Configurations
    Loading Roll Paper
    Loading Single Cut Sheets
    Related references
    Paper Setting Menu
Published:  Jan 20, 2021 Was this helpful? Thank you for the feedback!
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